Alexander Jewell Partners with Los Angeles Animal Welfare Organization, I Stand With My Pack

i stand with my pack

In an effort to increase his contribution to wildlife conservation, Alexander Jewell is excited to announce a collaboration with Los Angeles based I Stand With My Pack.  Thirty percent of proceeds from his Nature and Endangered Species collections will be donated to ISWMP.          http://www.istandwithmypack

About I Stand With My Pack

I Stand With My Pack is a non-profit organization that aides in the prevention of animal suffering and cruelty through means of education, hands-on field work, fundraising, non-violent protest, legal action, and collaborative efforts with other organizations & governments.

We work to promote compassionate ethics and lifestyles, expose animal cruelty through media platforms, and also to unite individuals and groups to create long-term solutions for a more humane world for all.

I Stand With My Pack is committed to raise awareness through educational outreach & advocacy programs, to work to strengthen people’s connection to and understanding of animals and the natural world, and to work for stronger animal protection laws.

Our ultimate goal is to provide assistance and long term support for animals in need and to strengthen the human-animal bond.

I Stand With My Pack is committed to helping other animal protection organizations as well open for collaborations. We believe that together and united we can achieve our mission to save animals from cruelty and suffering as well as fight the threats to our Ecosystem.

We are an animal welfare organization that has a tremendous respect towards all form of life and a conviction that all life has rights to be treated with respect and acknowledgment of its most basic needs.